An interesting take on… water

Posted by on September 14, 2014 in Featured, Think It Through | 0 comments

An interesting take on… water

The Christian concept of the Trinity can sometimes be difficult to wrap our minds around.  How can God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit be three separate and entirely different entities, yet at the same time be the same?  Of course, to present an analogy to help explain this can be daunting, and will undoubtedly fail in comparison.  What three earthly things can one think of that even comes close to explaining the Trinity?  Water.  Not that this is a flawless analogy, but it’s the closest thing I can think of.  Think about it – water can take on three different forms:  1.  Water as the liquid form; 2. Ice as the solid form; and 3. Steam as the gas form.  These are clearly three different things.  But, at the same time, aren’t they all water?  There are probably better analogies, but this example of water can help remind us that the concept of the Trinity is not all that different than something we think about, and are thankful for, everyday – water.



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