Why we mourn, even when we know they’re in Heaven

Posted by on September 14, 2014 in Featured, Think It Through | 0 comments

Why we mourn, even when we know they’re in Heaven

I often ask myself, “Why do we mourn for loved ones who pass away, even when we know their faith in Jesus has taken them to Heaven?”  Why did God create us with this innate sense of sadness when they’re gone?  Shouldn’t we simply know that they’re in Heaven, and be able to move on?  Of course, just knowing that they’re in Heaven certainly puts a smile on our faces, even during the most difficult times of mourning.  However, why does the sadness persist?  Why can’t we just let it go?  Well, let’s think it through.  Let’s say God made us differently.  Let’s say He designed us to indeed mourn less because we know our loved ones are in Heaven.  That is a tempting idea, right?  However, I don’t think that is what God wants from us.  I think we need to experience pain so that we will do everything in our power to preserve life, which is precious to Him and to us.  What I mean is that if we stopped mourning as soon as we realized our loved one just made it to Heaven, how hard would we fight to keep them alive?  Would we try everything we could to save that person who was just clinging to life?  Would our doctors and scientists work endless hours trying to come up with the next cure to help save more lives?  I think God put that pain in our mourning, the pain that sometimes seems unending, in order for us to try everything we can to save a life, including a life we already know will be going to Heaven.

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